bookmark_borderComics I loved in 2019

My name is A.J. Kazlouski, and I love comics. In 2019, I read plenty of them.

But not all of them, or even all of the ones I’ve purchased.

I manage Time Warp Comics and Games in Boulder, Colorado, and nearly every day I get to hear about quality comics that I won’t be able to make room for. This doesn’t even account for webcomics, which I used to read voraciously, but nowadays can’t keep up with.

All this being so, I won’t tell you that these five comics are THE BEST OF 2019, but I will say that I love and recommend them, and that they all happened to have come out or start between January 1st and December 31st, 2019. Even if I get caught up on my stack of new books in the coming weeks and find some new hits in there, I’ll be happy to have spoken to the achievements and quality of these titles. I encourage you to check them out with the assistance of your local comic shop, book store, or library.

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